AMAZING Super Kid Gets Run Over And Walks Away Unhurt

At first Time it seems like there is no way the woman and child seen mown down in this video could possibly survive the incident.

In CCTV footage which played out on local Brazilian NEWS Channel  and has since been viewed Millions of times online,

It crashes into a parked Chevrolet Car, making it plough strait into the woman and child as they try to run to the side.

Up ahead of them a car tries to pull out of a side road at the same time as another vehicle comes speeding towards the camera - and as the two crash, the second is sent swerving out of control.
Just before impact, the woman puts her body between the onrushing vehicle and her grandson.

Incredibly, not only was the boy released from hospital that same day following routine tests, media in Brazil reported that Vilma was also discharged one day later after suffering minor wounds to her legs and feet.
What you think This is Act of God or Any thing ....

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